Dear God,

This has been a particularly eventful year, and it seems fitting that I should write You a note of gratitude.

My heart is very full, and words seem insufficient. I know that You don’t need my words of thanks any more than the sun needs to be praised for sending forth its rays, but for my own sake let me recognize how much love You shower on me.

First of all, thank you for this enlightened path and for the wonderful teachers You have sent. Let me thank You above all for Master and for Swamiji, who have molded my life and blessed my humble self-effort.

Thank you for Devi, my friend and life companion. What a joy and fulfilment our life together has been. And thank you for the joy that comes from our son and grandchildren.

a letter to god

Thank you, Divine Mother, for giving us so many loving friends. Everywhere we go You are wearing a different disguise, waiting for us with a warm smile and a new experience. Thanks, also, for the constant support and beautiful examples of discipleship with which you’ve surrounded us. What wonderful times we’ve had this last year: amazing food, interesting trips, and let’s not forget all the jokes and laughter.

Thank you for the many outward gifts You have given us: of health, energy, and enthusiasm. I’m grateful, too, for having sufficient finances so that we not only have enough to live simply and comfortably, but also enough to share with others and to give back to You in remembrance that You are the giver of all that we have.

I’m grateful, too, for all the tests that You’ve provided. This year, with all the travel, has been particularly helpful in stripping away so many unnecessary necessities. The constant changes have helped me drop those unwanted habits that managed to creep in, and establish new and better ones instead.

But all these outward signs pale in comparison with Your inward gifts. Thank you for the peace of mind and the expansion of love that I feel when my mind begins to become still. Thank you for the inward yearning to reunite with You and for the techniques, especially Kriya, that bring me closer with each meditation.

Finally, thank you for the growing realization that it is all You. You are playing all the parts and doing all the deeds. It is, in a strange way, You writing this note of appreciation to Yourself. As “I” mentioned at the beginning, words seem insufficient.

With deepest gratitude and appreciation,

Nayaswami Jyotish